Friday, March 6, 2020

Malaysia States & Federal Territories (Kelantan)

12. Kelantan

      The state of Kelantan is known as the ‘cradle of Malay culture’ for having an overwhelming population of Malays (93 per cent) and the rest made up of Chinese, Indians and Thai. The Kelantanese have preserved their customs, traditions and cultures well over the years. Some of their most memorable activities are flying giant ‘Wau’ kites and playing ‘Gasing’, a game of spinning tops.

History dates the origin of Kelantan from the ascension of a Thai prince Long Yunus to the throne. The state then went through Thai and British influences before becoming part of Malaysia in 1957. The name ‘Kelantan’ means ‘Land of Lightning’ evident by the many thunderstorms that rock the state each year.

While the economy of Kelantan is based on agriculture such as rice, rubber and tobacco, the state is much more famous for their Malay handicrafts which include ‘Batik’, a silky garment woven with intricate patterns, ‘kain songket’, a cloth made from gold and silver thread, mats, silverware, paintings and wood carvings.

Tourism is a growing industry as more and more people flock to see the rich Malay culture that is inherent in the lifestyles of Kelantan’s people. A trip here will surely absorb you into the knowledge of Malay culture and traditions in Malaysia.

Attractions in Kelantan

- Kelantan National Park ( Gua Musang)

     The National Park is situated at three state borders of Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu. The Kuala Koh National Park is situated at the Kelantan border and is within the district of Gua Musang. It is situated in the Bukit Hantu Forest Reserve and Lebir Forest Reserve areas.

In terms of accessibility, the Kuala Kroh National Park is located 96 kilometres from Gua Musang town and is easily accessible by visitors and tourists by roads specifically Jalan Gua Musang-Kuala Krai. The natural assets of the Kuala Koh National Park specifically the variety of flora and fauna as well as the tropical rainforest ecosystem is well suited for ecotourism activities apart from research and development (R & D).

Among the activities organised by the Department of Wildlife and National Parks are bird watching (more than 300 species), fishing in a number of rivers, photography session, jungle trekking via interpretive trails, canoeing/rafting, going on the canopy bridge and camping.

Among the facilities provided in Kuala Koh National Park for the comfort of visitors and tourists include chalets and hostels, restaurant, meeting room, interpretive room, camping sites, boat services, wakaf/huts for resting, surau and vehicle parking areas.

For the period between 2000-2006, a total of 25,477 visitors and tourists visited the Kuala Koh National Park whereby most of them were local visitors (97.8%) compared to foreign tourists (2.2%). The main issue for Kuala Koh National Park is the unavailability of public transportation services provided for visitors/tourists and the lack of promotion to attract tourists specifically foreign tourists.

- Stong Mountain State Park

     Gunung Stong State Park (GSSP) is a forested area, totalling 21,950ha with several prominent mountain peaks. The area is of outstanding beauty and is home to one of the highest waterfalls in Malaysia, the seven-tiered Jelawang Waterfall.

The rugged landscape of GSSP offers many exciting adventures for anyone who loves nature and the great outdoors. GSSP not only has important eco-tourism values but also serves as a significant conservation area with rich flora and fauna diversity.

Animals such as the Asian elephant, seladang, great argus pheasant, Malayan tiger, serow and tapir are known to roam the forest in Stong. With the assistance of a qualified and knowledgeable trekking guide, your exploration of GSSP will be made more meaningful as interesting aspects about the biodiversity of the area are pointed out.

The Bogo Rock Shelter, a cave-like formation, is a suitable resting point on the way to the summit of Gunung Stong, which can be reached within four hours of trekking. Meanwhile, Gunung Ayam, the highest peak in the area at 1,504m, is an ideal spot to catch beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

A campsite is available for overnight stays. Visit the breathtaking 225 million-year-old limestone caves at Dabong that house several bat species and rare flora, including an endemic balsam.

Wat Machimmaram (Big Sitting Buddha)

   Wat Machimmaram is an impressive Thai Buddhist Temple with a giant sitting Buddha statue located in the Tumpat district of Kelantan, about 20 km from Kota Bharu. Tumpat is the northernmost part of Kelantan and borders Thailand so it is not surprising that there is an ethnic Thai community here. 
The temple is a shining example of Malaysia’s famed religious tolerance where a Buddhist monument of this prominence can be built in a state like Kelantan which is overwhelmingly Muslim.
The huge sitting Buddha statue is around 30 metres high. It is often mistakenly described as the tallest in Southeast Asia. It may have been when it was completed in 2001 but has since been dwarfed by the Great Buddha of Thailand in Ang Thong province which opened in 2008 with a height of 92 m. This seated Buddha is similar in size to that at Hong Kong’s Tian Tan temple on Lantau Island
On close inspection, the Buddha statue appears to be coated with tiny shiny mosaic tiles. The Buddha’s bottom lip is coated in gold, possibly gold leaf, paint or gold plated. The statue sits cross-legged on a representation of a lotus flower which forms the roof of the temple.  Windows in the petals of the lotus give an idea of the scale of the statue. 
The entrance to the temple is inscribed with the date 1991, perhaps when construction commenced as it took a team of Thai workers ten years to complete the temple. The inscription also bears the name Phra Buddha Bharameedharm Chamruslok in English, Thai and Chinese characters. The architecture of the temple compound is a blend of Thai and Chinese influences such as the guardian deity statues which are typically Chinese.

- Moonlight Beach ( PantaI Cahaya Bulan)

   Formerly known as the Beach of Passionate Love or Pantai Cinta Berahi, this is a picture postcard beach. The name was then changed to the current name, which means the "Moonlight Beach". This lovely stretch of shimmering sand is perhaps Kelanian's most famous beach. Its warm golden sands and crystal blue waters amidst tall and graceful palms encourages one to just lay on the sand and bask in the sun. Fringed by swaying casuarinas and coconut palms, providing the ideal place for picnics, camping and relaxation. It is the perfect getaway for the world-weary.

The beach stretches to about 1.2km. Cahaya Bulan Beach is definitely a crowd puller during the weekends, popular among the local to bath under the sun and cherish the tranquillity offered by the natural beauty of the coastal East Coast. The abundance of cultural and artistic shops decorating the path to Cahaya Bulan Beach adding to its charm and beauty to this stretch of beach.

Visitors can stop by the multitude of artefact shops while passing some scenic villages and discover some of Kelantan's rich heritage, including batik prints, songket, kites and copper-tooled handicrafts. Feel free to drop by and have a hands-on to understand the technicality of producing such intricate artefacts as most of the outlets welcomes visitors.

- Siti Khadijah Market

  The original name of Siti Khadijah Grand Market was Buluh Kubu Grand Market. However, its name was changed by the Chief Minister of Kelantan, Y.A.B Tuan Guru Dato Nik Abdul Aziz Bin Nik Mat as a sign of respect for women, considering the majority of its traders are female. One unique sight in the markets of Kelantan is that its traders, who are mostly female, are famous for their enthusiasm to do business.
This market is four-storey high and octagonal in shape. The basement specially caters for wet items such as fish, vegetables, poultry and others.
The first floor then is set aside for dry food such as Serunding (coconut shredding), which is a very famous Kelantan food item. Others such as Ayam Percik, Ikan Percik, Nasi Kerabu, Nasi Berlauk, Nasi Dagang, laksa and Somtam are amongst the most famous dishes for the people of Kelantan.
Kelantan's traditional delicacies such as Tahi Itik, Akok, Jala mas, Buah Tanjung, Serabe, Tepung Pelita and many other delicacies are also sold here. The second and third floors are for non-food items. Each morning it is the main heartbeat of Kota Bharu's business activities.

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